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It's time to help migrant workers!

It's time to help migrant workers!

Our dear donors and readers!

Apake Foundation joins crowdfunding for a social project of ZAKYAT Charitable Fund, called "Food for Life". Since 2011, this organization has been helping our compatriots in the Russian Federation who are experiencing problems during difficult periods of life outside the homeland.

Having an automated donation collection platform and a transparent reporting system to donors, we suggest using non-cash fundraising channels of our Foundation to raise the necessary amount to help our migrants in Moscow. ⠀

To make your feasible assistance, use the Apake Fund’s current account convenient for you, indicating the purpose - “For the ZAKYAT Fund”. We will provide all the funds received to the ZAKYAT Charitable Organization for further targeted use.

We thank you for the trust and sympathy for our compatriots! With love for people!

Media Publications

Благотворительный Фонд "ЗАКЯТ" - о проекте

О сборе пожертвований для помощи трудовым мигрантам в России - instagram


Date Bank details "Apake" PF Amount of donation
26.05.2020 Тапылдыходжаева Фатима Абдижалиловна 500.0
22.05.2020 Ташкумырский регион, компания "М Булак" 13,500.0
22.05.2020 Чуйский регион, Компания "М Булак" 7,700.0
20.05.2020 Таласский регион, Компания "М Булак" 16,200.0
16.05.2020 Хайирдинова Роза Сайфудиновна 1,000.0
15.05.2020 Офис Ноокат, компания М Булак 3,500.0
15.05.2020 Офис Кызыл-Кия, компания М Булак 2,100.0
14.05.2020 Ошский регион, Компания "М Булак" 48,700.0
14.05.2020 Нарынский регион, Компания "М Булак" 11,050.0
12.05.2020 ИК регион, компания "М Булак" 22,400.0
12.05.2020 Газиева Аида Пардабаевна 17,000.0
11.05.2020 Джалалов Шахрух Едгорович 1,920.0
08.05.2020 Хакимов Рустамджан Раимджанович 10,000.0
All donations for the project