Annual meeting of members of the Supervisory Board_2020
22 February 2021
About the annual meeting
Dear readers!
Today, February 22, 2021, we held the annual meeting of the Supervisory Board members. For almost the entire last year, we communicated online, in absentia, in view of the epidemiological situation. When such intelligent persons with a high personal civic and social mission gather, we did not have enough two hours to communicate and share opinions.
About the focus of work
At the end of the discussion, The Supervisory Board members of Apake Foundation unanimously supported our proposal to move more focused. So, we have identified further priorities in our activities and will focus our work in 4 areas:
1. Development of the intellectual potential of citizens,
2. Raising the level of education of the population,
3. Raising the level of cultural development of the population,
4. Support for people with disabilities.
Within these areas, each member of the Supervisory Board may initiate relevant ideas and projects that will be able collegially selected and funded.
In unison with our intentions, Apake Foundation is already developing a large-scale educational project that can become the first beneficiary and receive support from our foundation.
About the 2020 report
In addition, the meeting approved the report on the activities and the financial annual report of the fund.
You can find out more about our activities for 2020 - here!
And also to study the state of finances of Apake Foundation for 2020 - here!
We thank our members of the Supervisory Council for their participation and active citizenship in improving the social sphere of life of our citizens!
We wish everyone success and achievement of their goals!